Sunday, February 3, 2008

30 is the new 20!

The invitations (thanks, Ang!)
Last night was my husband's 30th surprise birthday party! Ok. Well, it wasn't really a surprise for he is, as I've said, smarter than your average bear. I fretted the whole week before, not of him finding out, but if there was going to be enough room at the BBQ was rather small and Boog has a HUGE family. But everyone squeezed and enjoyed the night. And Boog?As a true 30-year-old, he went to his surprise party with a persistent cough, a bruised rib cage, and all the aches and pains that come with getting old! Happy Birthday dear!

The party - Cripple Creek BBQ with family & friends

The familyOpening presents

Scrapboard pictures - thanks Rosemary!


  1. Happy 30th to your hubby. OK, I need to know the story behind "Boog"..where did that come from?
