Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Oh, the Winding Path We Weave!

FBC - Malakoff Youth

My hubby.....and myself.....have both taken a winding path to our current destination in our careers. Both of us, luckily, tend to be the flexible type. So when about 8 months ago, Boog approached me with tears in his eyes, I knew something was different. He was a realtor. Realtors don't cry! Realtors sell....and live....and breathe the end result - "SOLD"! But not this time.

Fast forward several months and look above. You see the end result....or shall I say - the beginning?Youth ministry isn't for the light hearted. These are kids.... influenced by the strong magnet of friendship and trends and the 'who's in/who's out' mentality. I mean - can you even think of going into a highschool full of kids you don't even know and trying to strike up a conversation with them? Much less, trying to get them to talk back to you? Scary.

I'm proud of him. I'm proud he listened to God's call on his life. ( I guess I should have taken his mom & sisters seriously when they all said "We thought he'd grow up to be a minister.")
I'm proud that he's struggling to find his way in that crazy world of "youths". I'm nervous about being a minister's wife......I'm nervous about many things. But I'm not nervous about this direction Boog's been called.....I guess that's why I'm still smiling at the end of this very long, haggardly day -'s Wednesday. Wednesdays are killers.


  1. I can identify with you and your husband's path (well, the path for your whole family!)...L is in his first year of medical school after being a CPA for over a decade! But he felt God's call to do this for a long time, and we finally realized we needed to follow (a sermon series on Jonah at our church was the final push!) Good for you guys--praying for you in the journey!

  2. I will continue to pray for guys on this wonderful journey.
