Sunday, February 10, 2008


What gorgeous weather today presented.....a picture perfect Sunday. After church and lunch with some family & friends, Grace & I enjoyed the afternoon sun. She played with Boo, or tried to, that presents a challenge with a puppy that likes to chew on everything imaginable. Then Grace played in her house making "snickerdoodles & chocolate water" for me to eat. All in all, a good way to wrap up a weekend!

BTW - Marci, my sister-in-law, delivered a great Sunday school lesson today. It was about David and his repentant heart. One question in our lesson really stood out. It asked, "How many people have helped you by telling about their struggles and joy in God's forgiveness?" I could think of dozens, literally dozens! Then it asked, "How many people have you helped by telling of your struggles & God's forgiveness?" Wow. I couldn't think of hardly any. It made me think I need to be braver in that area.....Marci, you always do a great job!

Marci & her beautiful family


  1. Wasn't the weather this weekend just perfect? Cute pic of Grace and Boo.

  2. Cute pic of Grace w/ Boo. That is a great pic of the Peach Family. Have a great week!
