Thursday, February 28, 2008

Un-official realtor no more!

My secret life is no more. Hacienda. Bye-Bye. Vaminos. (Okay, I don't know a lick of Spanish....doesn't hacienda mean 'house'?) The days of taking a moment out of each day to see what new listings have come on the market, or what has sold, are gone. The perk of knowing my husband's password to get on MLS....vanished. Or rather cut off. Boog finally did it....he called in and cancelled his last tie to the realtor world - his MLS access.

I do think if I ever wanted to get my realtor's license that I would make a pretty good realtor....I keep an eye on everything! But, honestly? I don't want another career....and realtor-life ties up weekends. So no, no license for me. But I'll sadly have to go back to doing it the way all other non-realtor-wed people do Ugh!!

PS. The picture above is of a cutie pie little Southern Living home that I'd love to have one day. It's small & cute....and totally my style! I've fallen in love with small homes....I like the easy maintenance and the curb appeal. (Of course, 20 grand in landscaping doesn't hurt either!)

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