Sunday, March 9, 2008

Leftover Chinese food is SO good!

OK. So my hubby set up a double date with some college friends of ours, Josh and Allison. We drove into the big D to meet them....and man. Every now and then, it is so supremely nice to go back and relive our "childless" days......eating out whenever we wanted, the question of "so what'dya want to do tonight" not having any boundries or time constraints, and basically, having all of uptown Dallas at our fingertips.

So easing into Northpark's PF Chang's was like slipping on a favorite pair of jeans. I loved it! Boog picked his ever fava-flave Mongolian Beef (a must for beef lovers), and I was craving veggies and got some random dish that wasn't so hot.....but it was okay (I'm still gulping down the leftovers as I blog!). The lettuce wraps made up for all of it. I think next time I'll get the Lo Mein noodles that Allison had.....can you tell I had platter envy?

It was nice catching up with friends......we spent the last half of the night "solving the world's problems" over coffee at Starbucks. Good times.

No pics. Sorry....I'll leave you with these pics from what happened while we were gone....Mimi (aka babysitter supreme) curled Grace's hair in rollers. So Sunday morning, I had a curly-Q on my hands!
Grace in curls!


  1. Grace has such a cute smile! Love it!

  2. We love P.F.Changs--yum! What a fun treat! Grace looks precious as always!!!
