Saturday, May 10, 2008

Grace, the Sweet

Remember this movie? Circa 1993...that lady from "Designing Women" ....Shadow, Chance, Sass...trying to make it home. Well, I had no idea that a Friday night rental would bring about an entire new revelation about my daughter.

She is just like her daddy.

We watched half of it that night and got up the next morning to finish it. Upon Chance, Shadow and Sassy all being reunited with their family at the end, I looked at Grace expecting to see a normal 4 year old....bounding, ready to get out of her PJ's and take on the day. But instead, she was crying. She wasn't saying anything, but big crocodile tears were formed in the rims of her eyes.

I said, "Grace, what's wrong?" No answer. Fingers in the mouth.

Again,"Grace, what's wrong? Are you happy or sad?"

"Both," she replied.

"Why?" I was very curious. Had I done something wrong? Was she upset because I ducked out of the movie for a second to do some laundry? What? So I asked, "Why are you happy?"

In a sweet little voice, "I'm happy because they got back with their family."

"Well, then why are you sad?" Still very curious.

"I'm sad because Shadow couldn't get out of the hole...momma, how did he get out?"

So that proceeded to a million questions of exactly how did Chance manage to help Shadow get out, and what were the "quills" that had hurt Chance, how did they get the quills out, how long did it take Chance to heal....etc., etc.

But it made me realize that in that hour and a half, she had come to care about those animals so much that she felt great emotion about them. And the tears. That's something that doesn't come so easy to me, but comes pretty easily to my husband. So I guess she's a little more like him in that was a sweet realization. Good way to start a Saturday.


  1. She is so precious, Flo :)

    To answer your question, I taught myself to sew. When David was still in the Navy and was in Nuclear Officer school in CT, we lived in a hotel room for 6 months, and then the BOQ for another 5 months. I HAD to find a hobby, so I made a quilt, completely by hand. After Madge was born, she was so stinking chubby that the Baby Bjorn cut off the circulation in her legs, so I wanted a mei tai, or Asian Baby Carrier. However, I did NOT want to pay $50+ for one, so I looked online and figured out how to make one for myself. I used my mom's old sewing machine until I bought a $90 one from WalMart. Once the girls got bigger, I started seeing things in boutiques and craft fairs and thinking "I could SO make that for less than ______" and just trying. I go buy the $2 a yard fabric from WalMart and try things out before I use my good fabric. For me, it's all trial and error. If you can sew a straight stitch, you can make a cute dress or skirt for Grace. Let me know if you're interested in me trying my hand at a tutorial on an easy twirly skirt. I have some fabric that I bought today for two different skirts, so I can take pics as I go :) Wish you lived closer, I'd have you over for a sewing fun day!

  2. Sweet post Flo..I love that she has a tender little heart. I am the same way and cry at the drop of a hat. Especially when animals are involved!!
