Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mission Completed

The Crew on Sandia Mountaintop

We're back! Grace is back from the family circus (for hoots and hollers on her week, check out my sis's blog here) and she still has all her limbs, so thank you family for taking such great care of her this week.

Boog & I are pretty tired......but we spent most of today just R&R'ing. I actually splurged and surprised Boog with an hour long "deep tissue massage" to which afterward, he immediately went and helped his dad move 31 bales of hay on a tractor. I think the masseur's exact words were, "Well, if you're gonna do that after the massage, I might as well hit you over the head with a bat....that's how much good this massage will do you!"

Here are some pics from our week. Again, there's no place like Texas, but the mountains of New Mexico sure had some of the cleanest air I've breathed to date....not to mention a pretty horrible view. : ) I didn't take any pictures at the homeless shelter for obvious reasons. There's just something about toting around a camera, while homeless people eat their food, looking for photo ops that didn't seem right.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

A Really Horrible Picture of Mother Nature
Boog Trying to Push Me Off the Mountain
Our Nightly Worship Session

Decorating for their VBS

Boys (& Jen) doing the "Guy Decorating"

In True Griswald Form, We Stopped at the Texas Cadillac Artwork outside Amarillo


  1. The mother nature pic is great! It looks so monochromatic. Is that rain in the background? Bri couldn't stop talking when she got home. Thanks for watching out for her. Ya'll did a nice job on the decorations.

  2. The pics of the scenery is amazing. Glad y'all had fun and are back safe and sound.....including Grace! : ) Angela's blog was hilarious.

  3. Wonderful pictures! I enjoyed reading about your trip--sounds like a great week!

  4. Sounds like Grace had a BLAST!! The pictures you took were beautiful.

  5. Hi! Sounds like a neat trip...I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past few weeks & wanted to say Hi! Mine is private & I will send you a link if you send me an e-mail...couldn't find one here. My husband is a youth minister also...we have similar pics from Cadillac Ranch and are preparing for a trip to Glorieta, NM. Cute blog!

  6. These photos are breath taking :) Thank you for sharing them :)
