Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sno-Cones & the Name Game (read on....I know that doesn't make sense!)

Green - Grace's favorite color since she's been alive.....I know, strange, huh?

Darby's IcyHotz. A staple of summertime here in Athens, Texas. This little sno-cone stand is owned and run by a Freshman at Aggieland, and I'm pretty sure she paid for her first semester last year with the revenue she made off of me...I mean, Athens residents. : ) Her name is so could her little business not thrive?

Speaking of names, I'm stuck. As a teacher, we have the worst battle with choosing names for our own children. Every name out there either reminds us of a child we don't want to be reminded about, or it reminds us of a child that we've heard stories about....either way, I've already had to cross off a plethora of precious what's a girl to do? Pick a strange name so that you never hear it on someone else? Answer to that...negative Ghostrider. I, being Florence for my entire life, have never heard of anyone under the age of 80 with my name and hated it for the longest time. Now I just go by "Flo" and do you know how many "Excuse me, Flo?"'s I get????? Darn that Dumb & Dumber. ....tee hee....

So, I'm still thinking.....and thinking.....hopefully, it'll hit me before my cook time is up!


  1. You can have my baby name book. 1001 baby names! We need to make a trip to Darby's.

  2. Florence (which I happen to believe is a beautiful name), you rock! Thanks for being such a great "voice-of-the-family". Your pics & stories of Grace so make my day on the days like today when I left the house in the morning loaded down with cups for kids and have now returned at 1:30am with heavy eyes and a heart that aches for more Grace&FloTime.

  3. So cute! Green has always been R's favorite color, too (fitting for a St. Patrick's Day baby!)

    I love trying to think up names for babies--it's so fun and good entertainment. I used to make up names during class when I was still in high school. I've made the mistake of giving Lane "naming rights" of a third child (IF we even have one). I regret the decision already. :) I think Darby is such a CUTE CUTE name. Good luck...I know you'll come up with something perfect!

  4. Correction, it's 20,001 baby names!

  5. Yummy snow cones..cute pics of Grace!! It took B and I FOREVER to decide on Brooks' name. I had the same teaching problem too.
