Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Sweet Californian/Texas friends!

The Ledbetters
What a trip! 3 days......a whirlwind tour of beautiful California.....completion of a marathon (NOT me -Boog!) and spending time with the kind of friends that just make you smile.

California. What can I say? I now know why people spend oodles of money to live and work out's 100% beautiful. The people are friendly, the air seems cleaner (maybe because of the smoking ban), and everywhere you go - pedestrians rule. Not because they force their kingship, but because there are so many dadgum health conscious people out there, that you see bikers, hikers, runners, surfers, walkers everywhere. 6am, name it, people are outside burning their body fat and enjoying a great quality of life. For all the health consciousness, it just might be worth an earthquake or two.

But the main purpose and joy out of our quick trip to San Diego was to see our friends, the Ledbetters. They are the kind of friends that you pick right up with....even when it's been five years since seeing them. Their cute as a button daughter was Grace's BFF for the weekend - she was in baby heaven. And well, you can't say enough about a guy who dropped everything to be a Marine and pilot this gi-normous helicopter below and save a few thousand lives.......and a woman who supported his choice, even when she was delivering their first child while he was in Iraq. Amazing.
Jared said, "This is your basic helicopter." Yeah, right!

Captain Ledbetter, inside his 'copter.....bleeding Aggie maroon.

Grace, trying to figure out how in the world Capt. Ledbetter flies this thing...

After a tour of Jared's base and 'basic helicopter' ( I can't get over how he thinks it's "basic" should see the thing!), we traveled up "Beach City" road and drove through Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, all the way to Long Beach where Boog's first marathon was held. Him and Jared did great, finishing right at 4 hours.
The Happy Runners- Jared & Boog!

There were over 18,000 participants in all the races

Grace and I...supporting our man!

All in all, it was a wonderful trip. I was a bit sad to leave Cali.....I could get used to that lifestyle. And Grace? She was sad to leave little Izzy.....they were good buds. Friends are few and far between - I'm glad we got to share this weekend together.

Grace & Isabelle

Bible Journey: Exodus 19:1-21:0


  1. Glad ya'll made it back safe and sound.

  2. We just got back from Florida, but we LOVE California. We went to Sonoma last year in the fall and it was perfect!

  3. I'm glad you had a great trip and a great visit with friends! Looks like Grace got some big sis practice while you were there!

  4. Hey girl!! So glad you guys had fun and Boog and Jared did so well.

    That helicopter was crazy, how fun was that for you guys to see!

    Well, welcome back to the heat and humidity of the great state of Texas. : )

  5. We loved seeing ya'll this past weekend and love what you wrote! Jared and I really wish we still lived close to you and Boog so that we could hang out more often. Ya'll are true lifetime friends!!! Please come back anytime!

  6. I'm so glad you all had a fun & safe trip.
