Friday, October 31, 2008

What a couple of weeks!

Flying High! Halloween Lady Bug!

THIS has been the longest two weeks ever. It seems as if either myself or Boog or us together had something to do nearly every night for the past 14 days. I'm sure that's not the case, but it seems that way.

Halloween '08 started and has ended. (Whew!) My little girl decided to be a ladybug, along with her cousin, and we took part in our church's Annual Fall Festival. I kept thinking how different it's going to be next year hanging onto a little baby while making sure my other child doesn't wander off with the sea of Halloweeners......why didn't God invent mothers with octopus hands? We NEED 8 of them!
Gettin' a Boost from Mimi

Grace in her duds

Anyway, we are tired, but I HAD to blog. It's been forever. Here's a picture of MY costume - a very preggers gal. That's my costume. 6 1/2 months now and STILL no nursery. What is wrong with that picture? With Grace, I think I had her nursery completely done by now with at least a three month supply of diapers and wipes. Poor 'lil Sophie! Getting the shaft already. I was the #2 child who always got the'd think I'd know better! ( I must try harder, note to self.)

On another note, God's mysteriousness had been ever present this week. He's woven in some truly wonderful things like friends giving birth for the first time, with some utterly sad losses. I couldn't sleep last night, so I got out of bed at 1am and read the rest of Exodus in the quiet of the morning hours. My brain couldn't stop itself from thinking of how things can change in a moment's notice.

Bible Journey: Exodus 28:1-Leviticus 1:1
Onto Leviticus. Man.....our God. He's such a perfectionist. Wait....he really IS a perfectionist. Those were my thoughts as I read the intricacies of his building plan for the Ark of the Covenant. How he cared about the color of the thread in the drapes and how many lampstands there would be, how long they would burn, with what kind of oil, and how the priests would dress......the dimensions, the layout, the it all would be created by the craftsmen He gifted for just that purpose. Such a perfectionist...what can I say? I'm preparing myself for Leviticus right now.....I always give up on that book. I won't this time.


  1. That spider on your shirt chose a rather interesting place to perch.

  2. Grace looks soooo cute in her costume! You look great, too! I haven't even thought about a nursery either. We find out Nov. 20th boy or maybe I'll start planning then...well, no, it will be time to get ready for Christmas at that point. Hmmm.

  3. Hey girl....I hear ya....I'm exhausted from the last week myself. Grace looks adorable in her little lady bug costume!!! : ) And you look absolutely amazing!!!

    The nursery will get done in still have a few months!! : )

  4. She looked adorable! I found your blog through Kelly's Korner.

  5. lol gracie wuz sooo cute in her lady bug costume. it scared me 2 death when she fell off da bounce house thing but luckly katie and justin caught her. =]]]
