Friday, January 2, 2009

36 Weeks and Counting!

Christmas Eve......OH the belly!

I, at almost 36 weeks now, have a few things to say about these last few weeks: "Get Sophie Outta There!". I am quite sure when God was talking about women and birthing pains, that He was referring to the last 6 weeks of carrying the child, as well as, the actual labor part. Not to complain too much, but I really am ready to get un-pregnant.......for one:

1)) I have three pairs of pants that fit and are comfortable. They are in constant rotation. SO much so, that after I lose the baby weight, I will burn them because I'm tired of looking at them!

2) Nighttime has become "Kung Fu Panda ala Sophie's Version". At around 10am she starts practicing her power yoga, and then the real fun begins around 11pm when she starts the Taekwando. This gal's got some power to her kick!

3) Nightime has hence become a struggle to sleep. Again, I know God's preparing me for the next 2 months of sleeplessness, but can't a pregnant girl get a few winks of real REM sleep please?

4) and lastly, I FINALLY have a diaper bag packed and ready for Sophie at the hospital....diapers, wipes, clothes, and all. Grace was too excited about getting it together. In fact, I think about once or twice a day she'll go through it all and make sure the patsies are in place and nothing has gotten out of order. That girl!
Here are some pictures from Grace's Christmas. Of course, she got several baby things from Santa....a real mobile for her baby's bed (the fake mobiles didn't "turn" , which was what she was wanting!), a tea set, a vacuum that I so wish worked for real....and several other items for, who else, her baby.

Grace, asking how Santa got her baby bed out of her room

Our Sweetie

Bible Journey: Numbers 5:1-7:1
My bible journey has sort of taken a hacienda.....note to self, I must get back on track. The holiday rush has given me plenty of excuses to not keep up.
Ever find it that way with you?


  1. I feel you - every day I seem to have less and less clothes I can wear - and I'm SURE not buying anymore. I can't even get comfy at home because I only have about one pair of pj's that fit. SADNESS.
    These last few weeks/days really seem to go on forever.

  2. The 23rd still looks promising. ;)

  3. You look so cute--you're almost there!

    My baby on board is the same way about nightly kung-fu!!! I hope this isn't a sign of his future sleep pattern--most active at night!?!?

    Great Christmas pictures!

  4. Hey friend that lives in El PAso had the exact same due date as you and she delivered last u never know!! u look precious though...jodi

  5. you look awesome - you're almost there! Happy Holidays!

  6. Flo...I'm not going to sugar coat look like you could pop any minute!!! ; ) I don't remember your tummy being that big with Grace.....maybe it's different the second time around.

    I hear ya though.....I was so ready to NOT be pregnant....and then when S was born, I missed being pregnant (or maybe it was just the hormones). Anyway, you don't have much longer.....I'm getting super excited for you!!!

    We better be on your call list when little Sophie gets here!!!
