Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sophie is Here and Everything's Rosey!

Sophie Rose Ferrell made a grand entry into this world this morning at 11:46am in Tyler, Texas. She's a whoppin' 7lbs 7oz and 21.5 inches long, has lots of furriness about the head, pink chubby cheeks and if I may say so, I mighty delightful demeanor. Thanks to everyone for your checking in, thoughts, kind comments and attentive prayers. As Flo's so-called hubby, and the lone alpha-male amongst all this Godly beauty, it is my distinct pleasure to type this in my sweethearts absence...Gig'em and God Bless you all.
P.S. In case you wondered...yes, Grace has already been a great Big Sis!


  1. Oh Flo, she just looks precious. I know you are all so excited!! Hope you get some rest tonight. Can't wait to see more pics. Hugs...heather

  2. She looks like Gracie! I can't wait to meet her!

  3. Congratulations! Which hospital did you deliver in? I am delivering at Trinity Mother Francis in Tyler in the next month or so. I am anxious to hear about your experience.

  4. Congratulations!!! She is beautiful! :)

  5. Congratulations guys!!! Sophie is beautiful!

  6. Aww! Congratulations!!! Welcome to the world, precious baby girl!!

  7. She is so precious I can't wait to see her in person! Hopefully we can see y'all tomorrow.

  8. Congratulations! We are so excited to hear the great news! Love, The Luedekers

  9. Congratulations!!!! She's beautiful!!!

  10. Congratulations on your new arrival. She is beautiful.

  11. She is so beutiful!!!Congratulations and enjoy your new life of 4!!!

  12. She is so beutiful!!!Congratulations and enjoy your new life of 4!!!

  13. Congratulations, and enjoy your beautiful girls.

  14. She's so beautiful! Congratulations!!

  15. Hi Flo! She's a cutie! I can't wait to hold her! Maybe we can visit on Friday after school! We're praying for you guys! Love, Kim

  16. Flo, She is beautiful! She looks very healthy and you look great too! I know Grace must be on cloud nine and Sophie will luv her to death...Jodi

  17. I wanted to come see you tonight (which is wednesday) but Jim and Colby were sick last night and woke up with it as well and I don't want to bring anything near Sophie. I will definately see you this week though! I can't wait!

  18. Congrats Flo, Boog & Grace!! We are very happy for your now family of four!
    Love, Dede Chris & Will

  19. YEA I'm so excited for you!!! I have to admit though...I'm a little jealous. My due date is one day earlier than yours and you already have your precious girl. Meanwhile, I just keep getting bigger and bigger. LOL :)

    I have my OB appt today, so I'm hoping their is good news. She said that maybe we could induce today. So, I'm going to be ready just in case:)

    I'd love to hear all about being induced. How was it? Did it take long? I'm a little nervous, can you tell??? LOL
