Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Creative People!

I must start raving! And I must start getting back my own creative-grooviness! (Where did it go?) But these people continually astound me with their skills, talent, and genuine creativity with just about anyting they get their hands on.

First, my sister. She has started a design service for Christmas cards, birth announcements, wedding/birthday invites, blog name it, she'll design it. And give you options! Her site is called Check it out. She's doing Sophie's birth announcments, and I'll show you them as soon as she gets it done! (I've posted a link on my sidebar!)
Here's her own design for her family Christmas card!

Second, my sweet friend Jamie. This woman. She's not only an amazing mother, but she somehow finds the time between two kids AND being pregnant with her third to create these bow holders for Sophie AND Grace. Jamie, you are the most thoughtful person..... we love them!

HOW cute! I was so surprised when I opened these in the mail!

Third, (this list could go on and on...I'm surrounded by creative people), my skillful friend, Andi, has started making bows! Of course, in true Andi fashion, they are perfectly done. She truly is one of the most skillful people I know - she can do just about anything!
A perfect little bow!

I literally could go on forever. I thank them for inspiring me to be more creative! Now....just WHAT to be creative upon, that is the question!

OK. I couldn't let one post go without a picture of my 3 week old Sophie girl. 3 weeks! I can't believe it.

Who could resist kissing this face??


  1. I'm so glad the bow holders made it there safely! Maybe you can fill them full of those cute bows by Andi! I hope the girls enjoy them. I love your sister's designs, too--their Christmas card was amazing!

    That Sophie is C-U-T-E! Oh my goodness! Love all the pictures of her.

  2. Sophie looks like she is puckering up for a kiss. Sweet girl.

  3. Thanks Flo your to sweet...Forget Etsy PayBo is keeping me busy making bows. He came home from school Monday and had a list of people who wanted bows including teachers. I told him if they bring him money I would be glad to make them. Then Tuesday he brings one of the teachers to meet me and she orders 4 from me. Then Wednesday more orders and he brought $45 dollars home how bout that for a little saleman...haha! You can see all the ones I made on my craft site. Again thanks for the cuddos!

    I could just eat Sophie up she is to cute!

    Also I love Jamie's bow holders how great are they! I am gonna have to get her to make me one to hold all these dang bows I have hanging around my house!

  4. The bow holders are so cute! And did I mention how awesome you looked last night at church! Sophie is just so sweet...I loved seeing Karter peek into her seat last night.

  5. Don't you just love the bow holders..I knew you were getting that fun surprise. Cute pic of Sophie.
