Friday, February 20, 2009

One Month Old Today!

This isn't the birth announcement I chose from my sister's wonderful designs......I'll show the one I chose on a later post. But isn't she cute???? Sophie's one month old today.

Time Flies. It makes me think of "Meet Joe Black". Why, you ask? Because in the end, the father gives a very eloquent speech that has this one line in it.....

"65 years. Don't they go by in a blink?"

I think that sums up my life.....Sophie's first month.....Grace's first (almost)5 (almost) 7 years of marriage....Where does the time go? (And why do I spend so much time doing things I don't want to do?....worrying, stressing, all those negative things!)

On another note, I go back to work in one week. It is with mixed emotions that I do this. First, I'm so thankful to have a job right now. Everyday the economy seems to be getting worse and worse.....I hear more stories of friends losing their jobs, not being able to find a job, or financial issues. But - to leave Sophie. So soon. To put it stinks. Thankfully, Spring Break and summer are right around the corner. .............and I do have a great job!

Just say a prayer for those hit by economy woes to continue to hold fast to our Lord, THE PROVIDER. I feel like God will use this period to humble us and show us how much we need to rely on Him even more. I remember a certain someone telling me that early in their marriage, they fell on hard times. It was so tough, that his wife questioned whether they could tithe that week. His answer? We'll give more. Give even more than they had been. ......I'm quite sure the Lord was blessed by their faith and certainty in His provisions.
This time also gives us a chance to shower some people in need with His love. My prayer is that when those opportunities are in front of me, that I will respond. What's your prayer?

Bible Journey: Numbers 20:1- 24:6


  1. Aw....happy 1 month Sophie!! Enjoy your last week home with the girls.....Spring Break will only be a few weeks away!! : )

  2. Precious! Happy 1 month!

    The time does go by so fast. I look at Rhett every night these days and think, "how on earth could you be about to start kindergarten!?"

  3. Sophie IS precious!!!!!
    You are right - I think God is tired of the GREED in our nation and He is going to use this to draw people closer to Him. It is very scary but He is in control and I have to try to trust that He will provide.

  4. What a great picture! She's just perfect.

    I feel the same way as you in responding to opportunities. I had a couple come up and failed to respond as the Lord would have me to. Man, I wanted to kick myself later. I am trying to do better on this.
    You know, reach one more.

  5. Your Sophie is PRECIOUS!!!! We have a Sophie too and she just turned 5 months old!

    I know what you mean about the time going by so fast!!! Just makes you want to sit and cuddle them a little longer!!!

  6. Sophie looks so much like you in that picture! She is so beautiful..I hope you guys are doing well.

  7. What a cutie!

    I agree, time does go by very fast! Seriously, how is it almost the end of February already!?
