Thursday, April 23, 2009

Progress....Slow Progress

It's coming along....slowly, but surely.

A new coat of exterior paint. (I'm not so sure about the's not my favorite.)

Beadboard on the dining/kitchen/bathroom walls.
A new coat of yellowish/goldish paint to warm up the living area.
Refurbished and rebuilt kitchen cabinets.
More gray hairs.....check.

Several more repairs/work/painting to be done....check.

Making a left-to-rot old home into something great again....Priceless.


  1. I love it! It is looking soooo good...I can't wait to see it in person!

  2. Flo, I love what you guys are doing to the cottage & can't wait to see the finished product.

  3. I absolutely love it. It looks so cozy and ya'll are doing a great job with the renovations. I think the exterior paint looks great!!

  4. Saw your comment on Layla's blog & stopped by to see your cottage! It's looking fantastic- will continue to follow along to see your progress.

    Keep up the good work!


  5. We drove by to see her in person, I think its going to be great Flo! Maybe we can become walking buddies or somethin' once you get moved in!
