Wednesday, May 6, 2009

: )

Smile On, Sweet Sophie Girl.....
What Makes Me Smile?
1) Sophie's little voice and Grace's endless "country-fied" conversation
2) emails like the one I received from a dear, lifelong friend a few days ago that literally make my day
3) one of my students - for her effort, eagerness, and endless hugs
4) my sister's phone calls
5) knowing my mom's kneeling beside His throne, in a perfectly healthy, wonderous state
6) a simple day
7) a generous, giving spirit....I can think of so many people for that one!

Just a little post to remind myself why I like to's not to cover up some deep-rooted, dark place. It's not to try to be fake. Sometimes it's because I don't really have anything else to say. But mostly, it's because....why not?