Saturday, June 6, 2009


T minus 7 and counting......that's the estimate I give for our days before move in (DBMI, if you will!)

We've certainly had mixed responses during this whole process of remodeling an old, tiny shack instead of building a new house. Let me see, some examples......
"I think you two are going to start something here in Malakoff!"
"It's a dump."
"You should have just built your home instead...."
"I love it!"
and my personal favorite....
"You guys are dumb!" (yes, we have good, supportive friends!)

Nonetheless, I can't tell you how excited I am to be moving in within the next week. My in-laws are amazingly wonderful, generous, supportive people, but it is time for the Ferrell family of four to be back on their own. I've also been more and more and more sure that waiting, and not building just yet was the right thing to do. One day.... we'll build our house. When we're ready.
So here we go!
The newly floored screened in porch!
(It still needs to be painted)

New sink, faucet, and looky at the light fixture!

Can you tell how cute I think it is?

New bathroom. I don't have a "before" pic, but it was completely gutted....COMPLETELY!

Dining room...painted, finally! Hardwood floors are going in as we speak...

I still have to show you the remodel we did on our fireplace. If you read The Lettered Cottage, I stole her idea (again!) and completely copied what she did with her fireplace. Pictures soon to come of that.......

Have a wonderful day all!


  1. I think it all looks WONDERFUL!!!! The light fixture above the sink is SUPER CUTE! Happy Moving!

  2. Flo!! You keep saying how small it is, but every picture I've seen looks spacious!! I can't wait to see it with your happy will you be when you see your own furniture out of storage again!?!?! Happy day!!! : )

    Love the light fixture above the sink.....isn't it weird how the smallest detail can make all the difference.

    Good luck moving!!!

  3. I love what you guys have done.

    And don't worry about the nay sayers. They will just have to get over it.

  4. I love it! Yall are doing a great job on it!

  5. I can't wait to see it in person...maybe this week after VBS one day. :) The pics look great! You guys are so talented! I still want the decluttering therapy you offered. :)

  6. I LOVE it all. So cozy and beautiful.

  7. Flo, I love it all...can't wait to see in person in September!! Thanks for turning me on to The Lettered Cottage. We're headed to SC in a few weeks, & I hope to visit some of the stores she talked about a few posts back.
