Friday, July 3, 2009

More "Shack" Before & Afters

Don't you love before and after photos? The before photos of the Shack were actually taken even after renovations had already been in the process for a couple of months. So if you'd of seen the true "before" photos, you'd would have told me to for my life! Here are a couple of before & after photos of the shack's kitchen & dining room.

Kitchen Before...or really mid-renovation....
Kitchen Kompleted!
Dining Room Before..... Dining Room After! Remember the curtains??
All in all, living in a 1000 square foot renovation deluxe hasn't been so bad. It's been good, in fact. Who'd of thought?


  1. I LOVE it! You should be so proud!

  2. Looks amazing.....can my house be next?!?!?! : )

  3. I love it, too! You guys have done an amazing job--it looks so inviting!!!

  4. Home Sweet Home- there is nothing like it!!

    So glad you're loving it- the pictures are so cozy and warm!
