Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Who Can Resist.....

.....kissing this sweet little face?.....

....cheering this girl who can sit on her own now (for a little while, at least!)

....photoging this moment of a big girl & a little girl playing with their toys?....

Not me. I love it!
(3 weeks and counting until I have to go back to work.....sniff. It is way harder this time. The summer made me realize too much.....)


  1. I am right there with ya girl! I don't want to go back either...oh the life of a teacher should I go and touch the sweet little lives of children while my sweet little one's life is being touched by another...or should I stay home and be super mommy! I love my job and it was a VERY hard choice but in the end my boys at school need me just as much as my boys at home do! Someone has to go and make a difference every day! Why not me!?

  2. They are so sweet together! I agree with your friend are making a difference at Eustace, you have a ministry there.

  3. Flo - Those are wonderful! I am sorry about your return to work. :( I know you'll miss those precious girls!
