Saturday, August 15, 2009

These ARE the Days....

Miss Sparkly Eyes...
Lately, I've found myself relishing the moments when this little girl is crying for a bottle...
Wishing time would stand still when she's face-to-my-face with her mouth covering my nose...
Savoring the smile that literally lights up a room....
and wishing, just wishing, that this time would never end.

These ARE the days. They are crazy..... my hair & clothes are always a mess, mascara smudges under my eyes, dried spit-up somewhere on my body at all times.....these ARE the days. That "me" time that I so often whine about not getting will be so empty when I get tons of it one day. When they are all grown and having full, bustling lives of their own.

Let me, God, remember to enjoy them now.
I'm about to leave her to go to work.
This didn't seem quite so tough last time, but I'm struggling this time. Really struggling.
I have a job I love with kids that need me.
I'm a good teacher. I really am.
But leaving her.......

Please, Lord, remind me that it's quality of time that matters, not quantity.

The plight of a working mother.
It never ends.


  1. I completely understand Flo...I look at these little beings and the volume of our house is always on super high with no doubt that a child with usually be crying or screaming, but know that at some point they will not want me to snuggle up next to them for a nap or rock them to sleep. Each day is a blessing and I have my moments where a breakdown is sure to come, but each night I am giving thanks for the wonders this family holds!!!

  2. Flo, you do not know me as I stumbled upon your blog while reading another about 6 months ago and now I am a loyal reader. This entry moved me tears. I'm expecting my first in November and will be returning to work 8 weeks after she is born. I just hope I will be able to enjoy the time I have with her and not worry about when I have leave for work. Actually after reading this I'll make sure I do. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Flo, this was a wonderful, touching post. You are in my thoughts. The Lord will lift you up.
