Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Girlfriends....Sweet Girlfriends!

2nd Annual Highschool Girlfriends Reunion - Caddo Lake Style!

Last month, I traveled down to meet 5 of my 7 bestest, bestest girlfriends from highschool for our 2nd annual girlfriend getaway. Location? Caddo Lake. Thanks to one of my friends, we were frequent visitors of this boggy, foggy getaway when we were younger. Many memories were made there of us girls, eating chips and queso, in our PJs, doing what girls do - talking, dramatizing, whatever it was! Flashforward 15 years later and what are we doing? Getting together, in our PJs, doing what girls do!

I love these girls-now-women who have and always will be some of the best friends I'll ever have. Getting together with them is like cuddling with an old sweatshirt -comfortable, easy, you know them inside and out, they know you inside and out, and you love them for it. I wish all friendships were this easy. But I guess that's why they say good friends are hard to find.....
I'm looking forward to next year and the many years to come.......

Goofballs. Capitol G.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ephesians 3:17-19

Sometimes I feel like I'm trying so hard to be a mom - cook, clean, bathe, provide, etc. - that I've forgotten.....or haven't put much time into doing what a mom really needs to be doing for her children. I came across this verse that pretty much summed up what I hope for my girls.

".....I pray that you, being rooted and firmly established in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God's love, and to know the Messiah's love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

I have a feeling that the rooted and firmly established in love part will come easy. They are loved.....they are firm in that love. It's the comprehend and know part that is tough. And the filled part will hopefully come as a result of the know. And that's my job. Mine and Boog's. To show Him to them through our lives....our actions....our words....His Word. That's a tough, but worthy, assignment. But really. What more could we hope for our children, except to be filled with His fullness throughout their lives?

Now I've got to commit this verse to memory!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Egyptian Princess Meets Fruit of the Loom

Grace and her cousin, Ella

Can this get any cuter? Halloween 2009 was alot of fun for those of us that weren't chicken pox'in it with Sophie. Thanks, Mimi, for these precious costumes! I'm looking forward to next year when BOTH my girls can make it out!

Halloween 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hooray! We're in Escrow!

After 4 days on the market, the "shack" has a contract. : ) It's listed here , and I gotta say, it's the cutest little shack for the price! I know, I know.....the Ferrell family is crazy. But this will hopefully be our final move for a looooonnng time. The next time we move, it'll hopefully be to build on our land and live there forever until we die. So....it's time for a Dear John letter. Goodbye, Shack! It's been fun!

Dear Shack,
It's not you, it's us. You're awesome. You've come such a long way! You're a great home, but it's just not working out. We need space. An extra bedroom....an extra bathroom. We wish you the best in the future, and hope you can find someone that makes you happy. We had fun while it lasted....

Love, The Ferrell Family

BTW. More to come on our next home. If all goes perfect, we should be in before Christmas. BUT...in real estate, anything can happen!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

So We're Building....

Thar She Stands

A well house. The lifesource liquid that flows 540ft down below on our land will be quite, er, safe this winter now that it has a warm house to call its own. I'm quite jealous. At least we have a subject to test out paint colors and such.....

Boog & I have decided to put off building for a few more years in order to continue saving. I had Boog take pictures of our land in the fall, leaves all brown and crispy, to remind us that patience is a virtue. We've gotten this far, we can wait some more. So for now, we'll have to enjoy it with good ol'fashioned weenie roasts, camp-outs, s'mores, and all that comes with nature. Anyone want to come?

The Road

The House Spot

Grace, at Mimi & Papa's Just Down the Road

What a Sunset!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

So That I Remember Her Sweet Side....

Her Favorite Thing to Do with Socks

Sometimes a momma has to remind herself that her little devil, er, darling is still a sweetie-pie underneath all that crying and fussing. Poor little Sophie. Darn the chicken pox. It seems to make my child turn into a crying, fussing, not-gonna-have-it baby around 5 o'clock. Other than take her outside, I have no other weapons. None. I'm down for the count, and she knows it.

So, to remind myself of her cute-ness, I will share her favorite things she "used" to do, pre-chicken pox era. Hopefully, it will all be over with by the end of this week!

Pretty in Pink

Not Gonna Sit Still!

Gonna Get It, Momma!