Sunday, November 1, 2009

So That I Remember Her Sweet Side....

Her Favorite Thing to Do with Socks

Sometimes a momma has to remind herself that her little devil, er, darling is still a sweetie-pie underneath all that crying and fussing. Poor little Sophie. Darn the chicken pox. It seems to make my child turn into a crying, fussing, not-gonna-have-it baby around 5 o'clock. Other than take her outside, I have no other weapons. None. I'm down for the count, and she knows it.

So, to remind myself of her cute-ness, I will share her favorite things she "used" to do, pre-chicken pox era. Hopefully, it will all be over with by the end of this week!

Pretty in Pink

Not Gonna Sit Still!

Gonna Get It, Momma!



  1. Flo,
    My name is Carrie Young. I live in Waco and teach at WBA. I met you last year at Landrie's b-day party. Anyhoo, just wanted to give you this tip about chickenpox. 2 out of 4 of mine have had it even after being vaccinated! Boo! Our dr. told us to follow the ABC's of chickenpox: Aveeno outmeal baths, Benedryl liquid and Calamine Lotion. Not sure about Benedryl for a baby so you might check on that. Hope this helps! Hang in there. This too shall pass! : )

    Carrie Young

  2. I'm sorry for little Sophie! Hopefully she'll get well soon! Miss you! Kim
