Friday, January 29, 2010

Sophie Monster's Big Day

I try to think of a theme for my girls' birthday cakes. Usually what they're into at the time....Grace has had several princess cakes. One Bob the Tomato cake. A butterfly cake. But for Sophie? I really was stuck. She's just kind of happy-go-lucky, into everything! Finally, as cheesy as this sounds, I opted for a plain 'ole happy face because she just makes us smile. That's a pretty good theme, huh?
She didn't dig in until AFTER someone forced a bite into her mouth.
But then...well, just look at her go!

More clothes?

Sophie, I remember when I was pregnant with you, I was having a discussion with my principal (who has three little rugrats of his own) about just how in the world am I going to love another child as much as I love Grace! It just wasn't possible. I really felt I'd be doing this baby an injustice by bringing her into a world (aka my heart) that doesn't have enough room for another one! And his reply has stuck with me. He said, "You just do. And you love them for different reasons and they're different people, but you just do."

And he was right. I just do.

I love you, kiddo. Happy 1 year!