Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"We Are So Granola!"

Spring Break Day 3 - A Hiking We Will Go!

Boog & I used to have a saying waayyyzz a'back in college when we were newbies in love....we would say, "We are so cherry!" meaning: We're good, we'll be fine, we're okay that sort of thing. (I have no idea where that came from). Anyhoo, we changed that today into, "We are so granola" meaning: We really could just pack it up, head for a granola-type, tree hugger town up in the mountains and live there for a while with our wheat bread, flaxseed, nuts and dewberry drinks. We really could!

For instance, today was "Ferrell Fun Day". As shown in the last post, we've been working hard the past two days, so today - let the world be ours. We contemplated.....and contemplated...... a day at the zoo? Nah....... the Dallas World Aquarium? maybe......the Dallas museum? one day..... use our State Parks Pass and go hiking? YESSSSS.

I wasn't too excited at first. But after a while, seeing how much Grace and her cousin Ella enjoyed communing with the earth, and Boog, well, Boog's Boog. He'll commune with anything as long as it doesn't have the word wii or xbox in it (us granola'ers don't get along with fake golf).

So hike we did. Two miles of it. Boog had the hardest job - scootin' monster Sophie in her monster ride up monster hills. Me? I captured the moment of course!
Future Miss Hiker America

The Twosome

A Hiking We Will Go, A Hiking We Will Go!

See? Whad'I Say? Tree Huggers.....

Mother Nature - our "Granola" mother

Future Miss Hiker America Part II

I'm just kiddin' about all the granola jokes. But seriously, I could do with a few more days of mother nature. I love her! Thank you, Jesus, for giving us such pleasure today!


  1. That looks like a really great day to me too! I'm with y'all--I'd be fine if we gave away the wii and the xbox and all that kinda "stuff" (I guess I'd want to keep the tv so I could watch "24" and "American Idol" though).

    Cute pictures!

  2. That looked like so much fun!!! Yall are such an awesome family!
