Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Eggs, Schmeester Eggs....

The egg hunt didn't really hold a candle to our country-fied Easter this year. The girls were in pink, but quickly changed to play clothes so that we could get down to kite flying, skeet shooting, and playing in the dirt. All at Mimi's and Papaw's, of course. It was a glorious day....we DO serve a risen Savior! Hallelujah!
Easter 2010
The girls
She's never gonna be too old for this....right?
Sophie found out how to open them....

Daddy and high can they go?

Reallllll high! (Can you see it?)
4 Kites Now....
Shooting the .22

Boog feelin' pretty good about it....

Couldn't be a country Easter without a little dirt playin'
My Sweaty Sweet Eyes


  1. looks like lots of fun! I know I tell you this all the time but I just love Sophie's eyes! Sorry we missed getting to play with y'all the other day...can't wait to hang out some this summer.

  2. Precious pictures. Looks like a fun Easter Sunday!

  3. Where are the pictures of you shooting? Looks like y'all had a blast.Happy Easter.

  4. What a great day! Y'all got a beautiful family picture!

    The girls' dresses are so bright and fun and pretty (as are the girls themselves!) Happy Easter to a sweet family!
