Friday, May 7, 2010

6 and Counting

Cupcakes for Her Class.....
Swim Party Next Weekend!
Today my oldest and first turned six. Her button nose is all but gone. Formed into a 'little girl' nose now. Her chubby cheeks are still there, but changing by the day. It won't be long before 6 will have a "teen" after it, and I'll be up, in my pajamas, worrying....worrying.....worrying.

I'll try to enjoy 6 now. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! We love you!

Make-shift cake for the day. "Swimming" cake for the party!

How cute is this coloring book she received? If anyone doesn't know, my mother-in-law's name is "Rosie" short for Rosemary. And me...of course, Flo.
I didn't know we made a coloring book together!


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!

  2. Happy Birthday Grace! You are a beautiful young lady!, cupcakes were so cute!:), and the cake to.

  3. Hope she had a great birthday! I always remember her birthday because she is exactly 2 months older than Austin! :)

  4. Wow! Such a BIG GIRL!!! I hope Miss Grace's birthday was great!!

    And a Happy Belated Mother's Day to one of the best mommy's I know!!

  5. Hope you had a wonderfully fabulous birthday Grace!!!
