Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lysine Believer

I never would have thought it.
You see, I'm not a medicine taker. My husband practically has to force feed me a vitamin everyday, and I literally need to be near death to take a tylenol. (Except when I had my kidney stone....then I was taking so much medication to ease the pain that I told my hubs, "Just Shoot Me".) So, naturally, when I heard that the Lysine supplement helps ulcers....I was skeptical. Ever since January, I've been plagued with at least two ulcers in my mouth at a time. Usually up to four. The last time I had so many was six years ago when I had a new job, a new baby, and my mother losing her battle with cancer. So, I blamed all the ulcers on stress.

This time, I really wasn't too stressed. Sure I had a baby, sure we were moving into a house, I was just coming out of being a "single mom" (coaching season). Okay. Maybe I was stressed. Anyhoo, a few weeks ago, in dire pain and desperately wanting to eat a meal with ease again, I decided to listen to the ol' pharmacy and take the Lysine supplement. I wasn't expecting much.

What I got was nothing short of a miracle. Within two days, all ulcers cleared up and well, after taking them daily now for about 3 weeks, I really haven't had one since.

WOW! I'm a believer. Lysine, you are my sunshine! Happy eating to me!


  1. What's in this pill that makes it work and what else does it work on?

  2. Huh....I'll have to tell Keith...he gets them pretty good too.

  3. ok, have taken this before, its been a long time ago, I was told that it is good for fever blisters, but you have to take it on onset, I know I did'nt take it long enough! but I have been having the little splits in the cornor of my mouth, like little fever blisters, I am going to the pharmacy tomorrow!! Sounds like this may be what I need! Thanks; will let you know!
