Monday, June 28, 2010

Love Hate Relationship

I have a love hate relationship with....

I love their fraps. I love their iced coffee.
I hate their $4 a cup prices.
I hate their little coffee house squashing bigness.
I love their convenience.

And I found out a new "I love".
I love their Free Picks of the Week on Tuesdays.
UGH! I hate to love it! : ) My hubs picked up a free itunes download card the last time we visited a Starbucks. It was for Jack Johnson's single "At or With Me" (who doesn't love Jack?) which after downloading it, has now become my fun summer song of 2010. I just love it!

Just for more useless info....I also downloaded (not for free)
"I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz
"Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg
"Fallin' For You" and "You Got Me" by Colbie Caillat

Try 'em out! Thanks Starbucks....I think.


  1. We don't go that often, but I do love Starbucks. White Chocolate Mocha...mmmm, might go there tomorrow! Thanks for the temptation. :)

  2. Hi! Flo! Oh! yeah,Starbucks is the one; I go for the extra vanilla Latte! Haven't been in a while, but this makes me want a cup, like now! please:), I said Now!!! ha-ha!(fun post)!
    Ps, I don't know why this want let me use my acct, so I have to do it anonymous. KM(Nana's Nugetts:)
