Friday, July 9, 2010

Car Shopping = Not Fun

So my beloved and not-so beloved Outback is gone. I'm now carless, and relying on my in-law's generosity of a loaner vehicle to get around until we purchase one. It stinks. I absolutely loathe....loathe....loathe....the process of buying a car. You never know if you are getting a deal. Or a clunker. Or if the car dealership is making a killing based on a so-called "bottom line".

We aren't buying new. I've only done that once, and although it was wonderful, my practical nature won't let me buy something that will depreciate thousands in one day. Also, unless it's a Kia, my teacher budget won't let me do that either! So used....or rather...."pre-owned" it is.

Also, to add another factor, my sweet friend Jenna who's saving the world one orphan at a time has influenced me (and others) to realize that the thousands more I spend to buy a 'Flo-happy' car (ie. one that makes me smile....think luxury) is thousands that could go towards helping those who can't afford socks. And I'm not talking just Africa, I'm talking about some of the kids that I teach. What a dilemma!

So as it is, we've shopped one day. I've gained two mouth ulcers. We've met GREAT salesmen (at a Lexus dealership, of course) and we've met super sleazy, gold-chain, tooth capped, hair implant salesmen (at a Ford dealership, of course). And until we DO this thing, it will continue to be a long, strenous drain on my brain!

Anyone have any good suggestions for an SUV?


  1. Uggg. We will probably do a cross over next time we buy. I don't like the full SUVs, but I am with you - I hate buying cars! My husband has to do it!

  2. You make me laugh! Sorry about the whole kids with no socks really was a lot more fun before I opened my eyes to all that!:) Hope ya'll find a good one!

  3. We've always liked the folks at Car Max. No hassle, just the price, all used vehicles. You will make the right pick!

  4. Lots of research and comparison shopping. I think I overkill in that area. Do you know exactly what you are looking for? (i.e. full size, crossover, etc.) There are a lot of dealers on craigs plus yahoo auto has search local options. Hollar if you need help.

  5. Well, I sparkly heart love my Volvo XC90, but it was definitely a luxury purchase for us, offset by the whole factor of how awesome it is safety-wise. Unfortunately, I'll probably have to get rid of it in the next year or two and getting something bigger, like a Suburban. :(

  6. The RAV4 is good, and relatively cheap. Good luck... I have heard it's hard to replace an Outback! :)

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