Friday, July 16, 2010

Lemonade! 25 cents!!

Isn't a lemonade stand a rite of passage for kids? Well, when Grace suggested the idea, Boog (true to form) whipped up a little wooden stand from scrap wood around the house and Grace got to work, of course. ;)

Launch Day
It was ready to go. It was HOT. 102 degrees to be exact. But she sat....and waited.....

BINGO! First customer....a true passer-by!

All the Neighborhood Kids!

A few more cups later, and she was sold out of her first pitcher. She didn't want to go back out...I didn't either....did I mention it was HOT?
All in a day's work, I guess.


  1. How cute! Wish I could have stopped by for a glass! Good work!

  2. Dear Grace,

    I don't cruise the neighborhood much...but I DO LOVE lemonade! Let me know when your stand is open again, might need to take a little drive ;p Good job!

    Ms. Donna
