Sunday, October 24, 2010

What a Way To End It!

It was SUCH a good weekend. Busy but good. The new roof was going on (pics to come later!), we were on time for church, a nice steak for Saturday dinner, spent time out in the country communing with the cows, made some delicious caramel apples, blew some bubbles......

THEN THIS. ......ALL cars out in the yard, not under the carport.....and then it hit. Hail the size of golfballs. Pounding away on the metal roof......covering the yard.....and denting every vehicle in sight. My daughter is still traumatized because the hail hit right as she was naked, stepping out of the bathtub. She'll never forgive me for forcing her to put her clothes on while hauling booty to the hallway for protection! Eeeekkk.......I like a good storm, but this was enough.

Insurance adjuster, here I come!

Hail in our hands!
Hail in the yard

Hail on my car


  1. Oh no--sorry y'all got such a storm! We spent a few minutes in the closet under the stairs while the tornado siren was going off!

  2. Oh my! It is always something!:) Hope the damage was not too bad. And, I agree the caramel apples look way good! Have a great week!

  3. Wow! Those are some huge hailstones. Our big Texas storms can be really scary. I don't blame your daughter for feeling traumatized by the whole post-bathtime turn of events--wet underwear are really uncomfortable! The caramel apples do look tasty...makes me want to make up a batch right now but I have neither the apples nor the caramel. *sigh*
