Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello, My Name is Florence....

.....and I craigslisted again. I admit it. I'm ashamed. I scoured the site. Found what I wanted. Schemed a way to get it. And drove miles out of my way, just to get a hit. I did this awful thing. Based on this "inspiration" picture for our gutted bathroom......

Ain't She A Pretty One?

I needed a table for the sink. I could have it made, but when I saw this on Craigslist for a really, really cheap price - I thought - SCORE!

Chop it in two, hook it to the wall, drop a sink it in, grab cute fabric and voile!!!

I promise. I'll NEVER DO IT AGAIN. (grin!)


  1. You now have to counteract the purchase with a sale. I sold all of Bri's bath decor on there and turned around and purchased the scroll stickers. You can look at it as another form of recycling. ;) Oh, and if you need an accountability partner, hollar! I can help you with the 12 your computer to go shopping. ;)

  2. ok that is so cute! I can't wait to see the finished product. I always love your creativity...I think that is what always makes your home seem so inviting and homey!:) Loved hanging out with y'all the other night!

  3. Can't wait to see what you do with it! Craigslist is HORRIBLE down here. I wish I lived somewhere that had better stuff!

  4. Can you please find me an oven/range? The house we are going to rent does not have one???!!!! How strange to me but now we have to find a stove/oven. HELP ME!
