Friday, December 17, 2010

Real or Fake?

No, I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about these - Christmas trees. This year, due to the result of several moves over the past few years, the Ferrell family has either lost, sold, or given away our beautiful Christmas tree. And due to the fact that our house has been a construction zone, we haven't yet put up a tree.

So to make sure our girls' have some lights to oooh and ahh over, we traveled to Terrell, Texas, to the Walls Family Tree Farm to cut down an a la natural tree. A first for us.
Us in front of the tree Gracie wanted....

Searching for the shedless, allery free kind
(yes, there are some!)
Found it! Cutting it down now....

Being entertained by family pets.....

Grace wants one .....

Sophie Sweetness...

Natural Beauty....

I gotta say, the adventure of picking out a tree, wandering through acres of trees, meeting new, interesting people, and singing Christmas carols *and making a few animal noises for Sophie*, seems to be waayyyy more fun than fanning out plastic branches.
This could become a Ferrell family tradition!


  1. Hey Flo...real is the only way Jayson will have his Christmas tree. We went and cut one down the first year we were married, but I think it's time to go cut one down with the kiddos. So for the Larsons...real is the answer to your blog's title! Hoping you have a great Christmas season!

  2. Hi! Flo, Love this, pics look like the old fashion christmas!! and Oh! those little darlings of yours! What a Blessing! Too cute! hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Love and Blessings

  3. I agree--so much more fun! Merry Christmas!!!

  4. We have a real tree every Christmas & I love it. The only time we went to a farm to cut one was in Seattle a few months before Brooks was born. It was snowing and just picture perfect!!
