Saturday, January 15, 2011


There's no denying that I'm a little envious. This lady can not only cook, she has her own cooking show where she travels the world, and she's perfectly beautiful. Well, I might not can travel the world for a living.....I might not be drop dead gorgeous....but I can try to cook like Giada.

And try I did!
Giada's Chicken Tettrazini
(I actually chopped up Italian parsley! Ha!)

I made it! It was pretty good, too!

I had a few friends over to help chow down.
Thanks Giada, you can keep your day job!
You can find the recipe here.


  1. Hi! Flo, this looks so good! I will try this dish! and btw~ your new re-do on house is very pretty! I love that big spacious bar! you all did a beautiful job! Ps~ needed to show those cute girls chowing down!

  2. And you did an excellent job! It was yummo...oh wait! That's another show. ;)
