Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two Years

How can two years fly by so fast? It seems like I was just looking at your sweet profile on my sonogram the other day. You had the sweetest face. We picked out the name "Sophie" so quick. It wasn't a name I had ever thought about, but somehow, we just knew it would fit. Carrying you was easy. You would roll in my stomach. Wait, scratch that. Not roll like a gentle wave. More like tumble, like a budding gymnast. I knew you would be very different from your sister......she tossed and turned in even, smooth motions. You are feisty. You are sweet. You are quick to give a kiss, but only to those you really love. When you cry, we all cry. It's so hard to see that face in tears - sissy hates it. And talk. I can figure out most of it, but not all. I just know it's very real to you... and listening to you sing in your bed at night. The highlight of my evening....

You love your sissy. Your blanky. Your bed. Your sleep.

And we love you. Happy Birthday (tomorrow!) Sweet, Sweet Sophie Girl!


  1. Happy:) Birthday! Sophie! You are beautiful baby! and I know your mommy and daddy are so Blessed with the joy you bring!

  2. Happy Birthday to Sophie!! Your girls are beautiful, Flo!! (and Boog)

  3. Happy Birthday to your baby girl!!

  4. Sweet little face. Squeeze her for me!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yeah! Happy Birthday, Sophie!
    Jenn, Keith, Austin & Chase

