Saturday, March 19, 2011

Goodwill Find!

I really need a workshop of some sorts. My "furniture finds" are taking up too much garage space. Here's a little drop leaf table I picked up at Goodwill. It was just sitting there.
Lonely. Alone. Burdened by lack of love.....not bad,eh?
I can picture it restored back to beauty very soon.

Also, now that I'm totally 100% in on this furniture restoration thing, I will be attending the twice a year Gresham Barn Sale in Tyler on April 15th or 16th. I just found out about it and it's sort of like a little Round Top right around the corner from me! Super excited.

Anyone wanting to join the Gresham party, email or comment me!

1 comment:

  1. um yea, I wannna go! I have to make sure nothing comes up that weekend. Sounds like fun.
