Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Giveaway Time!!!

Drop Leaf Table BEFORE.....
I almost couldn't do it. I love this before & after so much, that it took all my power to not keep it! But I can't - it's GIVE AWAY TIME! I don't have many followers, so your chances of winning are really good! How to enter? Simply leave me a comment. I'll use a random generator to pick the winner this weekend! Good luck!!
Drop Leaf AFTER!

A dark brown top coat, black dry brush overlay

White, heavy distressed bottom, brown dry brush overly

Closer look.... Closer Still..... Fancy this in your bedroom? Living room?


  1. Flo-look at all your talent, girl! You've always been an artist. I hope I win, even though I don't know when and how I'll get that lovely! ;) Miss you!
    jennifer (stribble) ross

  2. I love your table, very pretty, you did an awesome job!!!

  3. I am pretty sure that a I'm inspired!!

  4. Love it!!! I would want to keep all the pieces!

  5. What a wonderful table! If only I could be the lucky one. And I love your blog.

  6. Beautiful table - hopefully this will motivate me as I have a chest of drawers and an old quilt box that both need to be revived!

  7. HI! Flo, this is so pretty! Thanks for the give-a-way! You did a beautiful job! And in advance~ Congrats:) to the Winner! Have a great day!

  8. This is beautiful Flo, I love it! And miss y'all!!

  9. I love it! Can't wait to see more of your creations!!!

  10. Wow! Flo, you need to start a new business! I'd love to win! :) I miss you!

  11. Nice job Flo! You are blessed!

  12. I would love to eat my dinner on this table, maybe even read a book while sitting at this table...

  13. LOVE it! AND we'll be in Tyler this month! :)

  14. Beautiful work, wish I could do that and how do you find the time

    Betty Bee

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Beautiful! You are so gifted!

  17. It looks awesome! You are talented on some many levels! Love it!!

    ~ Brett

  18. Good to see another gal out there that doesn't mind getting their hands dirty, picking up a power tool or two, and being unashamed to wear a wardrobe full of paint splatters just to see the beauty of something transformed. I love your work. What a gift god has given you!

  19. Gorgeous table! It would be beautiful in my kitchen :)

  20. OK, I'll give it a try. And if I win, I have special plans for this table. ;)

  21. Great job!!I'm impressed!
    P.s. it be a great excuse for cousins to catch up Ha!

  22. As I said before...There are no coincidences only Godly appointments...It is no coincidence that you have this talent and to give away something it to pass on the Glory of the Man that blessed you with it...I am so proud of you!! I am so happy I found you did this!! I can't wait for you to do my desk! You are simply amazing!! (and you have no idea how talented you are so humble!)

  23. So if I leave about a thousand comments my chances go waaaay up??

  24. Looks awesome! I am so happy you are doing something that YOU enjoy! Marci

  25. Beautiful table. Very nice work. I know Mark is proud of you.

  26. I am cheating and leaving a second comment :)! I still love it as much today as I did yesterday!!


  27. Flo-we are enjoying the buffet at camp. You do amazing work!

  28. I ran across your blog through a mutual friend. I loooove this and know I could find a ton of different uses for it! Great talent you have=)
