Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Heart Dry Brushing

Sometimes you learn more from doing it the wrong way first. After taking the Altard workshop, I came home completely hopeless with my glazing experience (you remember that post?). Glaze did not work for me. It was had seconds to work with it before it was thick. I was no good at it. But I loved that weathered look.....

Fortunately, the internet has a lot of information out there on how to achieve that same look without using glaze. Enter whitewashing and dry brushing. After watching a few Youtube tutorials, I decided to give it a try. AND.......I.......LOVE.......IT!
I Took This Old Mirror And I Painted, Distressed and Dry Brushed the Heck Outta It
You Can See It More Clearly Here.....

For me, it's the way to go. Forget the glaze....for now, at least.

Here's a sneak peak at how the
buffet is coming along. I whitewashed the top and began dry brushing a dark brown on.
A few more things to do.....

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