Monday, April 18, 2011

Houston, I Have a Problem....

.....I want to keep most of the pieces I refinish! I can usually find a perfect spot in my house for it. Ugh! Thus was the case for this chair I worked on last night.....

After. And sitting in a perfect spot in my living room. My fabric collecting has come in handy.....

I used some I already owned to recover the seat.
See? Doesn't it belong? Sheesh.

It'll be for sale at W&T's next week....
Onto another refurbished item that I cannot keep..... : )


  1. That is the hardest part is not being able to keep everything, but I have learned another treasure is just around the corner! It can be so much fun just keeping them until they sell, one week my home is midcentury, the next shabby chic, the next....
    btw, chair looks great!
    Oh, and 2 of my customers are stalking your blog they told me and one bought your buffet!! Small world!

  2. beautiful!! (and I am a stalker too! heheh!! I can't wait to see how well you do!! I know you will do great!!)

  3. Oh, that does look great in your room! I guess I'm not helping! :)

  4. Hi there fellow Texas Blogger....I'm lovin' your blog and all your re-do's. I knew we were a lot alike when I saw your header....that's a favorit of mine...I know God has a plan for me and his plans are always way better than mine! I've added myself as your newest follower. Hope you pop in and see me sometime soon! Happy Spring Ya'll!
