Saturday, April 2, 2011

Productive Day!

So we had a garage sale today, which as we all know, are a perfect example of our ability to "overstuff" ourselves with junk we do not need. I mean, who really needs that many bed sheets? Or t-shirts? While it was going on, I noticed these wooden pieces tossed in the fray. Not too much to look at...but the shape was nice. I thought,

"Why not use these to practice my technique?".

So practice I did.....two candleholders before & after priming.....

One shelf, dirty & didn't sell...not even for $1.... After some paint & whitewashing, I thought they turned out pretty cute! More practicing of whitewashing. I think I'll keep these for my own home....

Thank goodness we sold more than we kept. I'd say it's been a productive day!

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