Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fabric Fetish

Fabric Love

(photos from Kathryn M. Ireland website)

I've always had a thing for fabrics....prints....heavy upholstery.....but of course, upholstery has never been in my repetoire of things I really know how to do. I can cover your basic seat, but after that....leave it to the professionals, right? Nope.

This Mustard Yellow Kills Me! In a good way!

So this weekend, I purchased these two lovelies off of CL (where else?) and I've got some pretty good ideas in the works for them. First, I want to take a true upholstery class. Several months ago, an article in Southern Living talked about Spruce in Austin. A fabulous upholstery biz that offers classes! Low and behold, there's a chair upholstery class coming up in June. I'm thinking these chairs are perfect for me to learn on........we'll see.

They'd look gorgeous painted, distressed and fabricated up in these......

Anyone interested in taking the class with me? .....sigh.

PS. Like the new look of my blog? My awesome sister designed "Goin' with the Flo" a I can literally flllloowwww all my business cards, tags, & blog all together in one. She rocks!


  1. If I were closer I would take the class! I have had a few chairs now forever, and cannot bring myself to attempt the process!

    Also, love the new look!

  2. Wow!! Your sister did an amazing job!

  3. I do love the new look--awesome!!!

  4. Love your new look! I am working on one, as well...only mine is MUCH needed!
    Is the upholstery class in Austin? Austin is my hometown. I live outside of Houston now. I would love to take that class and I always love to go home. I will look into it!
    Would love to come and see your little spot one day too.....


  5. Awesome job! Really amazing. Keep it up!
