Friday, May 6, 2011

Hennants Wax - Dark

I wish I had a "before" picture of this chair. I found her at a yard sale....a little pricey...but she was a true antique. I almost didn't want to paint her. But I took the ol' trusty Anne Sloan Old White and painted away......

I then sealed it with a coat of Hennants Dark Wax. It was my first time to use the dark.........when I opened the can, I thought, " whoa.....that's dark."

But she went on beautifully, I think. I didn't coat 100%. Left a few areas bare or barely waxed.

She's got legs....She knows how to use them!

Beautiful job Hennants!


  1. She looks great! I love the color and glazing I did an old chair this week too. Stop by for a visit follower

  2. OM Goodness!!! That is GORGEOUS!!!!! I love how you distressed the white. And you are nervous about my vanity???? Yeah right! Girl, you got it going on!! I am SO proud of you!!!!!!

  3. I love the chair..can't wait to see the dresser - you know the one!
