Thursday, May 19, 2011

Picky, Picky

You know that cat in "Ramona & Beezus"? Pickypicky? That's me. I cannot stand clutter. Pretty clutter in my booth? Yes. Clutter in my home? No. See my above kitchen photo. It's been over 6 months since we remodeled....and you see - no curtains. No cool vintage-y countertop display thingamajig. I'm picky. It might take me a year to find that vintageycoolcountetropdisplaythingamajig.
But when I see it, I'll know.

So my sister-in-law dropped off one of her paintings to go in my booth. Well, it was supposed to go in my "puppy-dog closed" itself into my home. Somehow found a way on my wall (I have no idea how!). And filled one of my "trying to find the right thing" spots on my's been blank for a while.

I love it. Thank you, Molly from The Lead Cup. (Now I just gotta pay you! ; )


  1. Pretty!
    I owe you a response on the spray gun I have. It is gravity fed and I got it from an industrial store, since my hubby needed it for work too. I then picked up the air compressor with all the gadgets from Home Depot. That was around $350. Worth every penny!

  2. LOVE the painting and all the great pieces you have been making. I can't wait to stop by your space the next time we are in Athens!

  3. LOL, we named one of our cats "Picky Picky" because of Ramona, actually it was "Picky Picky Angelina Queeny" all for one cat}! love those stories!!! I am so not into clutter either, it makes life a little stressful around here when I bring home the "mother lode" and have no where to store all the treasures until they are sold!! Oh well, we are kinda getting used to having 2 extra chairs in the living room, 3 extra lamps on the buffet.....
