Saturday, June 18, 2011

"It's a Hot One...."

...."seven inches from the midday sun"....
(Anyone get the '90s Santana reference??....anyone?)

Okay. But it WAS a hot one. W&T's junk & disorderly sale is over and this junker got rid of lots of her disorderly! ; 0 It's true - just like a garage sale is cathartic, seeing some of my garage space clear up was very cathartic!

My gals spent the day with Mimi & Papaw (thank you guys!). Luckily, they came to visit me!

The girls & I inside - nice air conditioning!

The girls & I outside - NO air conditioning

Since it was a balmy 105 degrees, the girls ate watermelon to celebrate mommy sweating off my winter layer.

I know this one likes watermelon....

Now we know THIS one likes it, too!

I'm beat.


  1. Love the watermelon pictures! :) SUMMERTIME, for sure! Your girls are growing TOO fast though!!!

  2. It was truly a hot one. I even came home with a sunburn!!!! Just the neck and shoulders though. Should'a put on sunscreen, my bad. Someday I'll learn.

    Glad you got rid of so much, and I'm glad we could visit and get to know each other.

    Now Rest!

