Friday, June 24, 2011

One More Follower!

T-Minus 1 more follower until my 100 Follower Giveaway, ya'll! I'm so excited I can't stand it! Someone asked me today if I'm "burnt out" on this painting gig. Very easily, my answer was "nope...not at all."

It certainly makes it easier not to get burnt out when you can have "Paint Parties" like the one I was at today. More on that later (with pics), but here's the result of a day spent painting with friends.....

Nightstand/Dresser Combo...Nightstand Done!

Fun in the Details...
And Here's Her Partner Dresser....Ready to Be Painted!
(Really...the wood was SO beautiful already...

I almost couldn't put a brush to it.)

Some Littles Gathered Up Ready to Go into W&T's...

Fun Day. Sweet, Godly Paintresses....


  1. It was so fun and now I'm very motivated to get going on all my other projects! Thanks for all you did!

  2. Ohhh my goodness, the night stand is ADORABLE! Can't wait to see the dresser done. And congratulations on getting your 100th follower!


  3. The dresser is out of this world!! Had a blast with all of you too!
