Monday, October 24, 2011

I Hate to Say This....

....but sometimes you gotta know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em (Kenny Rogers, you were so right!).

I overestimated myself.

Having the "hobby" of furniture refinishing is one thing. Taking on being a dealer at Winnie & Tulula' wonderful as it another. I'm sinking......sinking fast. 6 months ago, the spring was dwindling into summer. Free time galore for me. Lots of time to pick interesting items and refinish oodles of furniture....all was sold quickly (sometimes too quick!)....but I had the time to replenish.

I always wondered how I would do when "real school" began. Well, it's begun....and I've stunk. I haven't had time to refinish anything, much less shop for the interesting items to fill my space. My "presence" at my booth has been lackluster. I'm sad about it, but it also has helped me think deeper about the purpose of "Goin' with the Flo".

I haven't made any final decisions yet, but I know this....."Goin' with the Flo" began with humble aspirations of selling just one piece. It then transcended from selling that one piece to several pieces....then I had over 100 followers encouraging each piece finished. I love that. I don't want to quit that. But I do want to find the best way that I can do what I do, with the time that I have, with the capacity of the many roles I play (wife, mother, teacher) - and do it well.

These two precious pumpkins deserve that.

We'll see what comes of all this "thinkin".......


  1. Awwww...I really know how you feel. Once school starts I feel like "I" disappear due to all the running around. I pray all works out for you. And a new door opens if this one isn't working out anymore. (wink) God knows the plans he has for you. Just keep going with the flo and have fun lady! And with what ever decision you make I pray it is blessed.

  2. Balance, easy to say, HARD to achieve! Praying God will make it clear for you!

  3. Just know that I am SO AWARE of how you feel...I PROMISE I have been where you are...stretched too thin and trying to do it all and not forget anything or anyone. As someone who has been there, I will tell you this...I PROMISE that God does know what the outcome is, and whatever decision you make, it will be the right one because God will place in your path the direction He wants you to go...He already knows what you will decide...and how you will handle what you do. I wish I had believed that faster than I did...the stress would have diminished alot faster. Deciding to let go of one thing doesn't mean you are letting go of your love for "it" or your talent that God gave just means you need a break. Hang in there girl. It will ALL work out.

  4. Let me know if you need any help.
