Sunday, November 20, 2011

Football Season = Sad Booth....

I hadn't paid attention to my booth all football season. With daddy gone coachin', momma didn't go junkin'. Sales creative muses were taking a seasonal nap......I was facing the decision of could I, should I, try and keep this up?

So. With the final loss of our football team Friday night (dare I place a happy face ?... : ) ....I dareth), my reinforcement came, and I went straight to Winnie & Tulula's and did my best to Christmas it up with the few items I had in storage.

I know alot more now about how football season will affect my ability to go and do for this 'bidness. Maybe I can sustain myself better next year.....

One great bit of news though - $900 has been donated so far (whether through sales or painting services) to the organizations of Amazima and Sixty Feet. That's a holiday cheer right there!

30 % off all furniture, now through the holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Your booth still looks full Flo! It was great to see you and the girls on Saturday! Happy painting to you!
