Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Got My Brush On...

It's been close to two months since I've pulled out the paintbrush. That seems like a long hiatus to me. With football season dusting off the "football widow" sign on my forehead every September and sluggish sales at my booth thanks to a lack of, well, effort on my part.........thankfully, these past few weeks have perked up the sales and my empty booth ushered in the need to get my brush on!

This bad boy has been just waiting to get distressed and fabulous.....

Unfortunatly, drying time is a lot longer thanks to our colder no after pics yet. But on the positive side, ASCP works even better in lower temperatures (slower drying time = more time to smooth out the lines). Guess I'll have to learn to enjoy painting with my gloves and scarf....


  1. Girl, I have been itching to create too. I just painted the board insert for my framed message board. Today was a good day for it. :)
    Be sure and post the after pic!

  2. i know!! it's freezing here too! i'm not too tempted to paint anything right now. i guess i'll just stick to inside projects :)
