Thursday, March 22, 2012

Summer 2012 - Uganda Bound!!

It looks like God just decided to take this little family of four and push us out the door - literally. To Uganda. This summer. For two months.

That's was made 'official' this week. My girls, my hubs - all of us - will travel to Uganda and work for Sixty Feet. We'll be working in the children's prisons, teaching whatever is needed - English, life skills, wood working, etc. , giving the on ground staff some help, and assuredly doing a number of things we never, ever imagined.

To say we are excited is an understatement. That hardest thing about being in Uganda last summer was the fact that I missed my family so much. Now, I get to have them all there, seeing what I saw, and hopefully, letting it sink into our pores so deep that our lives will forever be changed.

We do ask for your help. The cost to get there is ....well...God's just going to have to provide it. 4 tickets to Uganda costs over $8,000. Plus, housing, transportation, etc.

If you feel led to give to our Ferrell Mission Trip this summer we would be extremely blessed and grateful.

It's a tax-deductible donation. You can donate online at Friends of Sixty Feet (just be sure to put "Ferrell Mission Trip" in the box) OR write a check with "Ferrell Mission Trip" on the memo line and mail it to:

Friends of Sixty Feet, Inc.

2451 Cumberland Parkway

Suite 3526

Atlanta, GA 30339

Please pray for us because already, those 'momma concerns' are popping up. I'm thinking about all the shots, traveling, etc......little girls....dangers......well, I just gotta push those out of my mind, right?

Thanks to all - Blessings!


  1. So excited for you and your family!!!

  2. So excited for you and your family!!!

  3. Yeippie!! Okay, honestly a wee bit jealous. But feeling okay about the whole thing since I get to play with you all in June!! Praying for a peaceful mommy heart, full funding, and blessings galore!

  4. This is so, so wonderful!! Will you be there during the same time the Jobe's will be there?

  5. YAYAYAYAY!!!!!!
    Can't wait.
    The end.
