Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Grace is 8....and Africa.

The Birthday Girl

It doesn't take too long to realize that this is the best time of your life.  The time with young children who want to hang around their parents. The time with a little girl who's idea of a fabulous birthday party is to go and dress up her doll (not herself) at the money-eating factory store called the American Girl Doll.  The time where cupcakes in the classroom are 

I love it all.  My girl. My firstborn. The one who opened up a whole world of new love for me and my hubs. We just never knew.

Grace, you are wonderful and we love you so.
You have a tender heart and a desire to please.
Open to new ideas & opportunities.
Responsible and Concerned.
Happy 8th dear heart. 

(Getting the shock of her life - a Kindle from her mimi & papaw.  The child has already finished a book and downloaded "Little Women".  Who can argue with that kind of technology??)

And BTW. Africa....in 3 and a half weeks.
One thousand, two hundred and twenty-two things to do.
Fundraising?  Complete. Thanks to generous souls who blessed our lives. Some I don't even know who they are - they just gave. Giving......wow. Overwhelmed by it..

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